Happy Holidays and Genealogy Do-Over!

Excuses, excuses…now work has me working overtime nearly every day, plus Christmas and New Year’s Day. The upside to this is, if I’m still at this job this time next year, my scheduled 2 days off will be Christmas Eve/Christmas and New Year’s Eve/New Year’s. So. I’ve got that to look forward to. Unfortunately, it takes away from my researching endeavors. And blog posts. Six months!!! I guess I need that to be a resolution, as well. I’ll see if I can find an interesting 52-week blog prompt.


I’m gonna hit that button!!! The Genealogy Do-Over button!

This is a wonderful idea from the one and only Thomas MacEntee. You can find more about it here: http://www.geneabloggers.com/announcing-genealogy-doover/

You set aside what research you’ve done and start from the beginning (with the exception of records you’ve purchased or traveled a distance to procure). Will try to keep you apprised of my progress.

Right now, I’m trying to decided what ancestor I want to “do over.” There is a good number of them. I’m leaning toward my 3rd-great-GF, John Ford. I’m working on a post for him right now. My research on the man, though, is scattered hither and yon and I need to reign it in. He was born in upstate New York but grew up mainly in Elba, NY. I hope to culminate my Do-Over by visiting Niagara Falls later this year and then visiting his early stomping grounds.

I hope your holidays were spent making more fabulous memories with your friends and loved ones!